Gallery works

Maps that melt the memory of ice III
From the Glacial Glasshouse series, 2022
Duraclear, acrylic, oil glaze
Photographs by Prue Stent

The colour of ice
Published in Griffith Review 77: Real Cool World, 2022
Text from Underland by Robert Macfarlane
link to edition here
Albedo and the Spectrum
From the Glacial Glasshouse series, 2022
Duraclear, acrylic, oil glaze
Photograph by Prue Stent

From the Glacial Glasshouse series, 2022
Duraclear, acrylic, oil glaze
Photograph by Prue Stent

Once there were forests
From the Glacial Glasshouse series, 2022
Duraclear, acrylic, oil glaze
Conversations with Trees
originally exhibited in The Natural World at Mosman Art Gallery, in the collection of HOTA, 2020
Duraclear hanging from pins

series, 2020
Duraclear on shinkolite acrylic, aluminium, oil pigment
Plants Bleed Lakes
originally exhibited in Matter of the Masters at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 2017
Duraclear, mirror, edition of three

originally exhibited in The Alchemical Garden of Desire at McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery, Langwarrin, Victoria, 2012
Image based on the garden of Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, duraclear, mirror

Chlorophyll Colapse
From the Chlorophyll Collapse series, 2017-2019
Dye sublimation archival print onto Chromaluxe aluminium and C type silver halide print on clear polyester
The sound of green
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, Canberra, 2008

Sacred Green
Dye sublimation archival print onto chromalux aluminum and C type silver halide print on clear polyester

exhibition view, Dominik Mersch Gallery, 2016
Duraclear on acrylic

From the Glasshouse series (Kröller Müller Museum), 2016
Duraclear on acrylic
The Brilliant Brief Moment
From the Glasshouse series (Villa Tugendhat, Brno, Czech Republic), exhibition view Dominik Mersch Gallery, 2016
Duraclear on acrylic
Photograph by Benjamin Huie
Lotus Pond (Water Oil Gold)
C type silver halide print on clear polyester & dye sublimation archival print onto Choromalux aluminium and oil glaze on acrylic
Traded Roots
From the Botanic Residues series, 2013
Duraclear on acrylic
Dark Memory (Styx Forest)
Crimes against the Landscape series, 2009
Duraclear on acrylic
The Seeping out
Greenhouse series, 2005
Duraclear on transparency
Botanical Residues
National Gallery of Victoria collection, Melbourne, 2005
Colour transparency on transparent synthetic polymer resin
Spectres in Glass
Sherman Gallery, 2005
Colour transparency on transparent synthetic polymer resin

The Afterlives of the Great Glasshouses
In the collection of QUT, Brisbane, 2005
Colour transparency on transparent synthetic polymer resin
Forensic Sublime
Crimes Against the Landscapes series, 2006
Duraclear, shinkolite acrylic, aluminium, oil, pigment
Carbon Planting
Landscape and Residues series, 2006
Duraclear, shinkolite acrylic, aluminium, oil, pigment
Ischaemic Land
Part of the Landscapes and Residues series, 2006
Duraclear, shinkolite acrylic, oil, pigment
The Green that Was
Part of the Crimes against the Landscape series, collection of the University of Queensland, 2007
Duraclear, shinkolite acrylic, oil, pigment

Broken Hearted Wood
Part of the Crimes against the Landscape series, 2007
Duraclear, shinkolite acrylic, oil, pigment, taxidermy specimens
Kunstwerk: Sammlung Klein, Germany, 2006
Duraclear, shinkolite, acrylic, mirror, glass, ash, oil, pigment
Ghosting light
Part of the Selva Veil series, 2005
Duraclear, acrylic, glass

Memory Fall & memory eclipsed
Part of the Greenspace series, 2003
Duraclear, acrylic, glass
Part of the Greenspace series, 2003
Duraclear, acrylic, glass